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Land in agriculture: 51.9%

Agricultural population density: 713 persons per sq km

Total agricultural workers: 36,000

Agricultural workers: 3% of work-force

Agricultural products:

Sugar      ............................. 1,261,000 metric tons
Fruits     .............................   249,000 metric tons
Plantains  .............................    80,000 metric tons
Bananas    .............................    65,000 metric tons
Vegetables .............................    45,000 metric tons 
Oranges    .............................    25,000 metric tons
Coffee     .............................    15,000 metric tons
Yams       .............................    12,000 metric tons
Papayas    .............................     4,000 metric tons
Cassavas   .............................     2,000 metric tons
Lemons and Limes .......................     2,000 metric tons
Cereal     .............................     1,000 metric tons
Rice       .............................     1,000 metric tons 


Chickens   ............................. 10,000,000
Cattle     .............................    592,000
Pigs       .............................    195,000
Horses     .............................     22,000
Goats      .............................     14,000
Sheep      .............................      7,000
Mules      .............................      3,000
Asses      .............................      2,000

Animal products:

Total Meat .............................   86,000 metric tons
Poultry    .............................   40,000 metric tons
Beef       .............................   23,000 metric tons
Pig Meat   .............................   22,000 metric tons

Dairy Products:

Cow Milk   ............................. 348,000 metric tons

Miscellaneous products:

Eggs          .............................  15,550 metric tons
Fish Catches  .............................   1,200 metric tons
Honey         .............................      90 metric tons

Agricultural equipment: Agricultural Tractors: 2,000 in use

Values reported in 1989.

Did You Know?

The term "china" originated from a brand of oranges that came to Puerto Rico in the 19th century, advertised as names "Naranjas de la China/Oranges from China" China in PR is the color orange and the fruit. naranja, which is used for oranges in most Spanish speaking countries, only refers to the bitter orange in Puerto Rico.